Your Adult Friend Finder profile picture is one of the most important factors which influences on your profile. It’s true that you should not to look like Bruce Willis to get laid using Adult Friend Finder, but you do should be aware what a woman think about attractiveness. Let`s clear that what a woman finds attractive is the keyword here. And yet so many buddies get it completely wrong.
In the Right Picture for Your Adult Friend Finder Profile – Part 1 I told you about the the 5 profile image “NO” rules that could make your life harder on Adult Friend Finder. This time I’m going to tell you about my super secret to Get Max from Adult Finder by just your profile picture.
Without getting deep into the psychology of female attraction “let’s just agree that a woman gets turned on and curious not by bare flesh but by confidence, self assuredness and success.” David DeAngelo. So how do you show all this in a picture? Well, it’s not as tough as you might think. Here are my secret steps for choosing the right main profile picture for Adult Friend Finder.
You want to find about 5 - 8 pictures to start with. Choose pictures where you are:
• surrounded by good looking, smiling people (the main thing is you are the center of attn in a group of good looking, well-dressed people)
• you are doing something interesting like a driving or sport or playing the guitar (but women still have to see you and your face clearly)
• you are dressed up going out with friends for examples at a club (the message is you have a life of your own and you look good living it)
You just have to make sure that the image shows you smiling, shows you either dressed up elegantly or casual cool and that demonstrates that you have you own life and friends. Those MySpace solo photos of you taking a picture of yourself from some sort of odd angle – like holding the photo camera above your head, or pictures where you are alone in you room are definite losers. Don’t even trying with them
Take those 4-7 pictures that you have chosen form the previous step and post them on the web-site What happens there is that people rate your photos and after about a 7 days you can be sure which one of your photos is the most attractive to women.
Signing up and using the website is totally free, so you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. This is piece of free Internet marketing testing and when big companies usually pay big bucks for this sort of thing. And did I mention that you get it totally free? Plus, the site also acts as a dating portal too. But I have never really trying it (why go through all these just to know somebody who might not be interested in sex at all, when I can find thousands of open minded women on Adult Friend Finder?)
Simply post the image rated number one on as you main profile picture on Adult Friend Finder. Another piece of advice: always have several pictures at and check the score monthly. Change out your main profile picture every two months with the top rated image.
Finally, you can choose one specific image and not bother with changing your profile picture more. Personally, I go on changing of pictures regularly, simply because I always seem fresh and new to the people I’m socializing with.
So now you might have got the perfect profile picture on your Adult Friend Finder account.
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Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Choosing Profile Picture to MAX Adult Finder Part-2