Thursday 5 March 2009

Tantric Sex - What is it?

Sex can be exciting, that is nothing new. But, its no surprise that after X number of years together, the sex you are having now is by far not similar to the adrenaline inducing sessions you had in the beginning of your relationship. While in a new relationship novelty, excitement, and hormones can drive great sex, over time you need to rely on other elements to create and maintain a healthy sexual relationship.

Tantra is over 1500 years old and originated in India. It is a set of teachings and exercises that are supposed to help you feel more increase your awareness of your own energy and the energy around you. Tantra uses sexual energy to achieve this, and is meant to create an unbreakable sexual bond between partners. Remember the Sex and the City episode where Charlotte takes a sex class, which turned out to be a lesson in tantric sex? The result was a pretty remarkable massage she performed on her date afterwards.

The Goal of Tantric Sex The goal for tantric sex is actually not necessarily orgasms. Instead, it is meant to enrich your entire sexual experience, and feel more breadth in your sexuality. Essentially, this tends to lead to better orgasms though.

Tantra is not a Religion Although Tantric teachings refer to things like 'universal energy' and 'a higher power'', it does not stick to a set of rules or religious beliefs. Tantra refers to sexual expression bringing you closer to a higher power, but this can be loosely interpreted. You don't have to follow any religion to create a better sexual bond with your partner. Tantra uses techniques to do exactly this, improving your sex life. Is Tantric Sex Good for Me? Tantric sex focuses on steering away from your physical appearance, put less importance on the labels you own or the celebrity hairdresser that does your hair. Instead, it dresses sex down to the pure elements to explore sexual fulfillment.
If you want to add a new dimension to your sex life, or improve your sexual connection to your partner, Tantric sex is worth trying.

What is Tantric Sex like? Sex the way most of us experience it is like a book, with an introduction (arousal), some chapters in the middle (penetration), and a plot or conclusion (orgasm). Tantric sex is different. In Tantric sex you dont follow this sequence of events. With Tantric sex penetration does not have to happen, and that does not make it not sex. The whole point of Tantric sex is one thing, and one thing only: to feel. The goal is not orgasm, but the goal is to feel.

Without focusing on orgasm, Tantric sex can teach you much more about your body and sexuality. By taking the focus away from orgasm, it also becomes more important to keep things interesting for your partner, and sex becomes less of a mechanistic ritual. For many people who have trouble reaching orgasm, using Tantric sex eventually solves the problem altogether by taking the pressure of reaching orgasm away.

Orgasm does exist in Tantric sex, but there is no obligation to perform. Tantric sex is different in practice for different people. It is taught by thousands of teachers around the world, and each one will have an approach influenced by their own experiences and culture. A common feature of Tantric sex is the importa fdd nce of breathing, and slowing down sex compared to the orgasm-focused sexual routines of the western world.