I’m loving this graph by Comic Vs. Audience. It is a complete and well thought-out guide on what say, and what to avoid saying, in the heat of passion. May it assist in your efforts over the holiday weekend.
View the full-sized version - it’s so worth it)
And small bonus:
1. I'm bored, lets shave my pu$$y.
2. Are you sure you've had enough to drink??
3. That fart was great - oh please do another!!
4. Of course I swallow, I just love it!!
5. No, no that's ok. You just sit there and drink beer & watch porn. I'll do the cooking and cleaning, honey.
6. Just for a change, how about you put it in my a$$?
7. How about I get my friend from work to join us in bed???
8. Marriage? No way!!
men protest against sex toy "discrimination"
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Things To Say During Sex: Good & Bad
Adult Humor,